Herbal repellent for bed bugs:

How do I know if I have bed bugs: You may not even know if you have them. Most people bitten do not show a reaction. Only about 30% of people experience reactions to a bed bug bite. But, if you get bedbugs, or suspect you have bed bugs where you sleep, don’t begin sleeping in another bed, or on the sofa. Do not go to stay with someone else. The bugs may follow you to your guest room or sofa.

Favorite places for bed bugs to bite: Bed bugs don’t switch back and forth from one host to another so if they find you first, you may be the only one bitten. They bite any body part that is accessible and with good blood flow.

lavender herb: Lavender is a natural bed-bug repellent. It is safe when used in moderation and smells good, but bed bugs cannot stand the taste or smell of the herb. Place lavender satchels all around your home, in the corners of your bedroom, between your mattress and sheets, Including cupboards and drawers. You can make them by putting dried lavender between two pieces of fabric and sewing around the perimeter. You can also purchase lavender oil at a health-food store. If you're staying in a hotel, make a few sachets of lavender buds and keep them under your pillow and in your luggage.

Lavender oil: If you are planning on spraying the mixture, mix a drop of lavender oil with water. spritz directly onto bedding, your nightie, and the carpeting around the bed. Be sure to pull the covers back and give sheets and blankets time to air-dry before you hop into bed for the night.

Bed bugs Glossary:
what do bed bugs look like
best pillow for bed bugs
best mattress for bed bugs
Herbal oil for bed bugs
bed bugs oil smell almonds
found a bug in my cupboard
the best way getting rid of bed bugs
can bed bugs climb glass or windows
can bed bugs climb metal
What Can I Do About Bed Bugs
what is the best bed bug repellent spray
hard area around bug bite
natural bed bugs repellent
bed bugs sticky tape
pictures of bed bug bites
do bed bugs bite with the light on
bed bug activity where to look
what time are bed bugs active
red spots what are they
does bed bug bites hurt
can you catch disease from bed bug bites
how to clean your mattress
how much does a pest control cost
Preventing a Bed Bug Infestation

How to catch a bed bug

A Very Simple Way of catching bed bugs:

Using a sticky tape to catch them is a good way, whether they are dead or alive, its easy and fast. and you wont ruin your bed or furniture. Roll out some sticky tape from a tape gun, cut about 12ins or so. holding each end of the tape, gently press down on the mattress this will pick up any bed bugs or eggs. Concentrate Around seams, creases, folds, and around any tufts or buttons. Do the same with the headboard, Back and front.


Example 1:
Press down on the mattress


Example 2:
Then Gently fold the tape down into two, Then Use a plastic bag to Dispose the tape, When you have finished tie the top of the bag very tightly. This method also works for walls and Furniture. Its a great little way of picking up Dust mites, bed bugs, potent allergens..etc.

Bed bugs: coming soon, perhaps to a home Near you

So you don't have bed bugs at home:

But your neighbours do, is there anything you can do to avoid getting these unwanted visitors from homes next door.

There is a 90% chance they can spread into your home via neighboring homes. bed bugs often live and crawl in small spaces in between walls and pipes, They can live for a year without a human blood source.

If your neighbours know they have bed bugs in there home, As a precaution your neighbour or landlord should let you know immediately, while taking care of their own infestation, Your home should also be sprayed for protection.

If you dont have a pest controller for the moment, in the meantime you can use lavender oil spray on your beds, carpets and furniture. Lavender is very popular herb in the home as it has a very clean smell. Also try placing lavender pouches around each room. under mattress and pillows, hang some in wardrobes, place them around the carpet edges. bed bugs cannot stand the stuff!

A simple lavender bag can be sewn from offcuts of fabric, Then filled with dried lavender then sewn or sealed with a drawstring Ribbon.

If you move from one room to another. Frightenly as this sounds, they do follow you around.

Searching your Home

Below is a diagram plan of a house:

Use this chart Below to look for bed bug Activity.

Bed bugs are good at hiding. In fact, you really have to search and know what you are looking for before you may find a bed bug.

Search in beds, headboards, mattresses, pillows, chairs, around door frames, plug and switch sockets, inside light fixtures, loose wallpaper, in cracks and crevices, curtains, and sofas.

Click on Image to enlarge

This home chart Above shows you where bed bugs can Lurk. The side meter in each room shows you the highest infestation, The Red cirlces show you the places to search for bed bug Activity.
And last the kitchen is marked with a Red X, In most cases bed bug Activity is very Low in Kitchen areas.

Holiday Travel Tips

Going away on Holiday:

So many people around the world that travel and stay in hotels have encountered bed bugs one time or another. Generally, Most hotels are clean, and well maintained.

When staying in a hotel, No matter how tired you are The best thing to do is thoroughly check your room, first thing you should do is leave your bags in the bathroom or in the entry hall. using a torch, look at the bed sheets and mattress for small bloodstains or Dead skin, Lift up the mattress and look along the length of the seams. Check behind pictures, clocks, headboards, side cabinets, night lamps, and the edges of the bed frame. If you find signs of bed bugs in a hotel or motel room, insist on getting another room. If you dont find bed bugs and you wake up with welts or bloodstains on the pillow and mattress, lodge a complaint with the hotel.

When returning home after traveling, Take the same precaution as you done in the hotel, leave your bags in the entry hall and inspect bags, luggage and other materials for signs of bed bugs, Then take your luggage and other items into the laundry room. Wash your clothing in hot water at least 120 degrees. Then inspect your luggage once more, When your cloths have been washed hang them outside to dry before settling in.

Bed bugs Hiding Places

Knowing where to Look:

It can be very hard to find the nesting place of the bed bugs, Because they are tiny little Flat creatures about the size of an apple seed, and they move around in different places.

using a torch concentrate on these areas: cupboards, drawers, bed frame, headboards, matress, pillows, box springs, picture frames, clocks, book shelfs, cracks and crevices of walls, corners of cellings, Behind speakers, top of curtains, clothing, hair, edges of carpets, near plug sockets, around sideboards. under tables, under chairs, sofa etc..

If you do find them, call the Home pest control services immediately.

Also if you have any clutter in the rooms that need to be thrown out, Please Do Not" take them into another Room.. Wrap and seal the items to be removed while they are still in the infected area. THROW THEN OUT IMMEDIATELY!

Herbal repellent for bed bugs

Herbal repellent for bed bugs:

from ancient times our ancestors used a variety of herbs to cure various medical problems. some herbs where used to treat skin burns, other herbs where used for ulcers, blood presure, bowel problems etc.. and other Herbs served as insecticides, such as Lavender.

lavender herb:
Lavender is a natural bed-bug repellent. It is safe when used in moderation and smells good, but bed bugs cannot stand the taste or smell of the herb. Place lavender satchels all around your home, in the corners of your bedroom, between your mattress and sheets, Including cupboards and drawers.

You can make them by putting dried lavender between two pieces of fabric and sewing around the perimeter. You can also purchase lavender oil at a health-food store. If you're staying in a hotel, make a few sachets of lavender buds and keep them under your pillow and in your luggage.

Lavender oil: If you are planning on spraying the mixture, mix a drop of lavender oil with water. spritz directly onto bedding, your nightie, and the carpeting around the bed. Be sure to pull the covers back and give sheets and blankets time to air-dry before you hop into bed for the night.

How do I know if I have bed bugs in my house

Bed bugs in my home:

A Bed Bug infestation is not necessarily a case of bad hygiene, however, as a lot of hotels and guest houses have also been the source of cases. Most of the time they are carried into the home by people who have traveled abroad. Bed bugs may get into a new home as stowaways when luggage, furniture and bedding is moved into a new home - especially in the case of second-hand furniture. Even vacant and clean homes may have bed bugs in them - Because they move from apartment to apartment through hollows in walls and holes and tubes that wires and pipes go through. A bird that flies into a home could introduce bed bugs, and some other bugs as well.

Looking out for tell-tale signs around your Area:
Sometimes its easy to notice bed bug Infestations in your area. If you notice lots of beds or mattresses being thrown out near apartments or homes, Then that's a cause for concern. You are not on your own!

Thrown-out mattress and Bed.

Do I have bed bugs:You may notice itchy skin welts. You may also see the bed bugs themselves, small bloodstains from crushed insects, or dark spots from their droppings, is often found in bed mattresses and pillow cases.

Searching for bed bug activity:
Useing a flash light, Gloves and forceps. start with the mattress first, Carefully check the top and bottom of the mattress, then around the seams. Do the same with the pillow cases, "Bed bugs leave behind fecal blood spots or specks that stain mattresses". Pay close attention to the bed frame, box spring and the wall-facing sides of headboards. Then scan the walls, ceiling, Furniture and any other light colored surfaces for signs of bed bugs. disinfect and eliminate their hiding places. Since bed bugs can live for several months without food and water. Take samples with the forceps and put them into a plastic bag or container to be checked out by a pest control

In all circumstances, Homes, apartments, hotels, etc, clutter should be eliminated to deny bed bugs hiding places.

The invincible Bug Armor

A Guide to Stopping the bed bugs from using the walls:

Now that your bed is protected with the Glass and vaseline technique, I recommend this sticky tape and vaseline method for protection against the Walls, basically you are forming a barrier around your bed, so the bed bugs cannot get anywere near you to take a Bite!

Depending on the severity of the infestation. The next stage will be to protect your walls, At the moment we are not to sure where the bed bugs are coming from. they could be coming from another room, or they could be hiding near plug sockets, or the edges of the carpets. What ever happens, they will need to climb the walls to get into your bed. Remember!! The legs of the bed are protected with the Glass and Vaseline method from the stage 1. guide. So the Bugs will try and get to you via the Walls.

Before you start: cracks and crevices should be covered up with sticky Tape or filler. Picture frames, wall clocks, clothing, curtains, furniture within the room should be checked and throughly cleaned.

(1) What you will need is some large sticky tape, a small brush, and a tub of vaseline (Petroleum Jelly) .

(2) Apply the Sticky tape around the room, just above the skirting boards, and around the edges of the walls, doors and windows.

(3) Once you have set the sticky tape all around the room. Wait for about 10 minitues before Applying the vaseline base.
with the brush gently apply the vaseline base evenly onto the area of the sticky tape, or even use your fingers, if thats easier.

The whole room should look something like this: (shown Below)

The Arrows in the room show you where the tape should go. (Click image)

If you can manage it".
Apply the sticky tape using the vaseline method onto the ceiling. (Click image)

(4) Apply the sticky tape using the vaseline method around plug sockets and pipes leading to your room.

This method should also be applied to doors and window frames.

Thats all there-is too it Folks..
bed bugs cannot climb on vaseline treated surfaces, only fabrics, plastic and wood. keep everything the way it is for a few weeks until the bed bug problem has been eliminated. bed bugs elsewhere in the room will be unable to get into your bed.

As complicated as this may Look and sound, This technique actually works!! It would be like an ice skater trying to climb a 30ft wall made of ice. Remember the bed bugs are determined little creatures, and they will go to any lengths to get into your bed and feed.

bed bugs dont like metal

The vaseline and Glass method:
Bed bugs are not very keen on metal, They prefer wooden beds and furniture, They dont Like metal items because its cold and slippery for them, metals have no proper Insulation.

This Guide is for the Home:

It is absolutely imperative that you keep the bed away from the walls and curtains. Pull the whole bed away from the walls, about six inches or so. If possible move the bed to the middle of the room.

Vaseline also known as Petroleum Jelly: Apply a generous amount of vaseline paste onto the legs of the bed frame, gently massaging with your fingers, the top part of the leg should be covered with about 3-4mm. Where you can actually poke your finger nail into it.

Next stage is the Glass cups, You will need 4 to 6 Glass cups,
depending on your bed design. I would recommend strong Glass cups, with a solid bottom, Like the one below.

Carefully lift each side of the bed and insert the glass cups under
each bed leg.

bed bugs cannot climb vaseline surfaces or glass, You can actually grease the rim of each glass, for added protection.

Thats all there is to it Folks! You can rest in peace at night knowing you are Protected.

You will have to leave the glass cups on the legs for about 2-4 weeks until you are sure that the whole house is bug free.

There is no way in the world that a bed bug from the Ground is going to get into your bed with this method. assuming that you have thrown out your old infested bed and mattress, and started from scratch with a new bed.

This method could still work with your old bed, if you are 100% sure
that your bed is bug free. I would strongly recommend replacing your existing bedding with new pillows, mattress, white sheets, pillowcases, covers etc.. Your current ones might be infested, so let's start over from new. always change your clothes after being in an infected area Before you retire to Bed.

How to get rid of bed bugs

Those who have endured a bedbug infestation describe the experience as uniquely frightening.

Once an infestation has occurred, patience and persistence is the key to ridding the area of bed bugs. If you are determined to get rid of bed bugs yourself, without hiring an exterminator, This Guide can be Very Handy, I highly recommend.

(1) Clean the mattresses and launder all clothes and sheets.

(2) Smaller items that cannot be laundered, can be wrapped in a plastic bag and set in a hot place or in direct sunlight.

(3) Furniture should be overturned and cleaned. scrub everything to dislodge any hidden bed bugs or eggs.

(4) Mattress should be covered with a Mattress cover protector. That will kill anything living in it, After about a week, you can vacuum out your mattress and everything will be clean again.

(5) Carpeting, wood molding, door jambs, picture frames, and closets
should be inspected as well.

(6) Seal any cracks or holes in flooring and walls especially around wires and pipes.

(7) Carpets should be vacuumed thoroughly, or steam Cleaned, The vacuum bag should be emptied and thrown away immediately.

(8) After commencing cleaning and laundering all bedding, spray the complete mattress lightly, with more spray where evidence of activity exists.

(9) Dismantle the bed and any affected furniture and spray all. Lightly spray wall and floor surfaces around the bed. Re-treat after 15 days using a Surface Spray , then again after 30 days.

Bed bug Treatments:
There are many bed bug treatment and sprays available from several vendors online. Some of the primary ingredients to look for to combat bed bugs include permethrin, propoxur, chlorpyrifos, cyfluthrin, fencalerate, benseneacatate, and resmethrin.

Carefully read the label of the package Before applying any pesticide. Apply the product only if you fully understand the instructions.

Do Not apply any pesticide to mattresses or to surfaces that would be in direct contact with people, unless the label instructions specify the product can be applied in that manner. Some products can be harmful to humans and pets. Please Always read the label instructions.

Bed bugs have made a comeback... All over the world, People are waking up with itchy red welts all over their bodies. The bad news is that they are extremely hard to get rid of, they can live for a year without food, and they are very mobile.

History of bed bugs: bed bugs first appeared in the 1700s, many sailors used to complain about them, sail boats returning from Europe were found to be infested with bed bugs.This led to some countries experiencing epidemic problems. Beginning of the 19th century we started seeing a rise in the number of bed bug infestation of epidemic Levels it was estimated that 75% of British houses were infested. in the mid 1900s the introduction of a New pesticide marked the decrease in the numbers of bed bugs. by the 1970s this pesticide was banned. So today the level of bed bug infestations continue to rise.

As a child our grandmother use to say to us, Good night sleep tight, dont let the bed bugs bite. This was more than just a nursery rhyme.

What do they Look like: bed bugs are oval, flattened, brown, and wingless insects approximately 1/4" to 3/8" long (5-9 mm). They are similar in appearance to a wood tick.

ABOVE: the bed bug

Can bed bugs fly or Jump:
The Good news is bed bugs do not have wings and are not capable of flight or jump. The Bad news is they can free fall. Some studies show that they climb great heights in order to drop themselves down to lower surfaces that were otherwise inaccessible to them.

How do i know if i have them.
You may not even know if you have them. Most people bitten do not show a reaction. Only about 30% of people experience reactions to a bed bug bite. But, if you get bedbugs, or suspect you have bed bugs where you sleep, don’t begin sleeping in another bed, or on the sofa. Do not go to stay with someone else. The bugs may follow you to your guest room or sofa, and then it will be much harder to get rid of them. They may hitch a ride to your relative’s home, and you can cause them to become infested. Bedbugs are exellent hitchhikers..

What time do they come out at night:
There is no set time for the bed bugs.They are active Day and night, although they prefer to feed at night time "between 3am - 6am" when we are in Deep sleep.

Where do i find them. Bedbugs aren’t found just in beds and mattresses. They can be found in furniture, clothing, luggage, and more. And, they spread rapidly. First place to Look is the seams of the mattress and pillow cases.Then each sides of the bed frame, including underneath, Headboards, followed by furniture, hanging pictures, walls, cracks and crevices, plug sockets, cupboards, clocks, curtains,.Remember these insects are small (1/16” to 1/4”) and very flat, so they can move into very tight corners and cracks. In some infestations they have been known to hide in speakers and Desktop computers.

Bedbugs are nocturnal, They only come out at night. (Not true) They can even be seen During the day folks! its True, Depending on the Infestation level, some have been noted on walls, sofa`s, bathrooms, window ledges, cots, and desk top computers. and thats in the day-time.

Why is it that I get bit but my husband does not!
It is possible that you are on the “bed bug side” of the bed. Bed bugs don’t switch back and forth from one host to another so if they find you first, you may be the only one bitten. It is also possible that your husband is getting bitten but does not have a significant reaction to the bed bug bites.

how does one treat bedbug bites? Just like mosquito bites, scratching makes the reaction much worse. Instead wash the area with warm soapy water and then apply an anti-itch cream.

ABOVE: Bedbug Bites

Can mattress covers, prevent bed bugs. Yes & No. Bed bugs can still get on top of the mattress cover or harbor in the bed frame. The advantage of the mattress cover is that if you already have bed bugs, you can trap them inside the cover and they cannot bite through. If you don’t have bed bugs the cover saves you from having to throw out the mattress if you ever get bed bugs.

Will a bed bug ever bite a reproductive body part.
Yes. They do not discriminate; any body part that is accessible and with good blood flow is fair game to a bed bug.

bed bugs in the kitchen: for reasons unknown, and in most cases bed bugs have never been sighted in kitchens.

Once a person has been bitten by a bed bug, how does one treat it. First, do not scratch it. Just like mosquito bites, scratching makes the reaction much worse. Instead wash the area with warm soapy water and then apply an anti-itch cream.

Bed Bugs Life Cycles:If a blood host is available, One female bed bug may produce up to 400 offspring during its lifetime. Theoretically the female bed bug can lay up to twelve eggs a day with the average being around five.Once the eggs have been laid, they can take from six to seventeen days for them to hatch with the average being eleven days.

Staying in Hotels.
If you are traveling, always inspect your mattress for bed bugs by
pulling back the covers and looking carefully at the seams and tufts
for bed bugs or bed bug evidences. Look for Redish Dark fecal spots. If you find bed bugs, contact the hotel management and inform them of the bugs and ask for another room immediately.

bed bugs psychological effects: A bed bug infestation can cause sleeping problems and anxiety for weeks or months. Bed bugs aren’t considered life threatening by any means, but the damages could be considered just as bad if not worse. The physical and psychological effects are reason enough to declare them a health hazard.

Bed bugs bleed you Dry: Not including the trauma and nightmare of having bed bugs, They even cost you your hard earned cash. A bed bug infestation in your home can be a costly one, You could be Looking at something up to $1000 dollars. This is roughly what it might cost you. $250 for an Exterminator ( 2 visits), $60 for washing every piece of clothing in your home, $300 for a new kingsize bed and mattress. $200 for replacing items from the home you have thrown away.

Hotels with bed bug problems could be looking at paying something like $60,000 - $100,000 dollars to treat all the rooms.

Bed bug Treatments:
Bed Bugs are a very complex problem to deal with and experience is essential for safely, efficient and rapid elimination. There are bed bug treatment and sprays available from several vendors online, including mattress cover Protectors for the bed which helps keep them off. but if you have an infestation that you think you cannot handle on your own, we recommend contacting a professional extermination service that can specifically address the issue of bed bugs.